A5 Coupe - The Speed of Light

The A5 Coupe is an entry-level vehicle designed to look faster than it is. So we used light painting to accentuate the A5's windswept design without falsely advertising a speed it isn't capable of.

Fun fact: I rode a skateboard carrying a 6-foot long LED lightsaber while the photographer took long exposures to create this effect.


Send your optic nerve for a joyride. #AudiA5

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Even the subtleties can’t help but stand out. #AudiA5

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Visions of slipstreams. #AudiA5

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High-energy headshot. #AudiA5

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Interstellar interiors. #AudiA5

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Art imitates traction. #AudiA5

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There’s that award-winning smile. #AudiA5

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Photons X-ing. #AudiA5

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Ahead of the LED curve — this time, literally. #AudiA5

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